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You have been waiting. What is it that you are waiting on? Are you waiting until you get to a certain scale in your finances? Are you waiting to connect with the right person? I know, you are saying when I meet the right man or woman, we are going to be amazing together. Oh, wait a minute, you are waiting to have the nice house, the nice car, the right job. Maybe, it is the six-figure income you are awaiting!

Well my friend, I am here to tell you, the WORLD AWAITS YOU. While you are continuing to make all of the excuses you have made, preventing you from being, there is an entire world out here, awaiting the manifestation of what is on the inside of you. Maybe you have a book to produce. Maybe you have a business to produce. Maybe you are a planner, strategist, creator of newness. Whatever it is that you are created and purposed to do and be, the world NEEDS YOU.

Do you believe that out of the Billions of people that are in the earth, there are some specifically for you, to impact? There are some specific people that need what you have. Some know they need a certain thing, and are not sure when or how they will receive it. Some have absolutely no idea that they need what you have or what is within you, they just know they have a void that needs filling. The Creator of the Universe created you and everything in you, for the specific goal of you connecting with the appointed people, so that your purpose and life’s destiny could be fulfilled.

Today, I want you to make the conscious decision to stop making excuses, stop waiting and start reminding yourself that the world is waiting on you. You have waited long enough. You have made excuses long enough. Be honest, some of the things that you said, “If I had this”, and you have had those things, yet you continued making excuses. Furthermore, you have seen several of the things you stated manifest, yet you have produced nothing. What a sad indictment it would be to see the idea, the dream, the strategic plan that the Spirit gave you, fulfilled through someone else, because you failed to move forward and produce. You failed to produce because you could not overcome your excuses.

Just for a moment, I want you to think about something. If the world ended tomorrow, or if you cease to exist in the world tomorrow; How much of your dreams have been fulfilled? How many visions have you had, that you ignored? How many times did you have the opportunity, but for various reasons, you missed it? How many times did you say, “if I could just make the right connection”, you made it but did not do anything with it? As you think, I want you to decide, NO LONGER. Decide, I am going to answer the call, surrender and be purposeful just as I was placed in the earth to do.

You will not touch everyone in the world, but if everyone in the world would touch those they are created to touch, there would be no one in the world, untouched. If we would all tap into and live out our purpose, there will be no lack in the earth. Every one of our needs would be met. Wouldn’t that be amazing?

Since we are aware that not everyone will awaken to this truth, today I challenge you to be one of the ones to decide, I will not leave this earth not having fulfilled my purpose in it. Allow yourself to hear the voice within, adhere to it, stop making excuses and execute. Start where you are and use what you have. Despise not the day of small beginnings. Know that if you obey, everything attached to the promise for your life, will manifest and produce the outcome that will prove, the earth has to wait no longer!

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As I thought about this week’s blog entry, I thought about the many times I told myself “I CAN’T”. I thought back and asked myself, who planted that see of “I Can’t”? I must admit, no one has really been responsible for the I Can’t being spoken over my life, except ME. I allowed comparing my life to others to make me feel I can’t. I allowed insecurities to make me feel I can’t. I allowed negative self-talk to make me feel I can’t. I even allowed past failures to make me feel I can’t. The truth is I lied to myself, over and over again, and I am writing this blog today, because maybe you too, have been lying to yourself, saying “I Can’t”.

You see, we have everything we need in us, to do and to be exactly what we desire to be and do. The only thing stopping us, is US. We have heard the saying, “I can do anything I put my mind to” and that is true. I will even say as the bible does, “I can do all things through Christ, who strengthens me” Philippians 4:13. Whatever comes to mind, comes from the inner being who either is pessimistic or optimistic. Whatever is within us, is manifested in our thoughts, ultimately out of our mouths, and through our actions. If a thought comes to mind that will benefit our lives, the lives of others and give back to the earth, in a way that glorifies the Creator, then it is for us to do. If he gives the idea, he will also give the means for it to manifest in our lives.

What are some things that you have thought about doing, that you have allowed to remain a thought? What are some things that you are not even entertaining the thought of anymore? What are some things that you felt like you couldn’t do, because maybe it was out of your comfort zone, something you could not see yourself being successful in. Maybe someone else did it and it did not work out for them, so you are concerned it will not work for you either. Maybe it is something you tried already, it did not work out, yet it is still in your heart, on your mind and in your spirit to accomplish. You cannot shake the thought of that thing. Well, I am here to tell you today, STOP lying to yourself, saying you can’t accomplish that thing. I am telling you today, NO MORE LIES.

Write that book, take that trip, start that business, pursue that job opportunity. Whatever is in you, you CAN DO. I guarantee every excuse that you have given, has been one that you created in your mind as a prevention to take the leap. There is nothing in a comfort zone, except stagnation. You will remain in the same place, until you decide to move from that place. How do you determine “You Can’t” if you never try? The only reason you can’t, is if you don’t!

I dare you to take authority of your negative thoughts, replace them with positive ones and see the outcome of those adjusted thoughts. You are the determining factor of your purpose coming to pass. The plan God has for you, requires YOU. He has the plan, but it is up to you to seek him, hear him, follow and obey him. All of this requires action from you. Therefore, I challenge you today, to stop lying to yourself. Stop reliving past failures. Stop comparing and competing. Allow yourself to envision where you want to be in life. Begin to see yourself doing what you desire, entertain the thoughts, and start making forward steps to see it become reality. I am a witness that Speaking, Believing and Expecting will manifest Miracles in our lives. Things we had no idea we could do, can happen. We are capable of manifesting anything in the earth, that God wills for our lives.

Take a moment to think of the amazing things you want to do, or that you have been assigned today, but have not accepted. Write them down. Date it and visit it often. Then, begin to put a plan of action in place. Seek God for precise instructions and in time, you will look back and see what started as a dream, a vision or even just a thought, is now your reality. Tell yourself today, and everyday NO MORE LIES! No longer will I talk myself out of things. No longer will I miss opportunities. No longer will I be afraid to walk through opened doors. No More. NO MORE LIES. I CAN, I WILL, I MUST. Our legacies depend on us manifesting purpose, while we live! Again I tell you, and you tell yourself, No More Lies.

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In a world where most people live to compete and compare themselves to others, I have a question for you to ponder. Who Do YOU Say You Are?

Do you know who you are? Are you functioning daily as your authentic self? Are you being exactly who you were created to be, or have you patented yourself after others?

You do know it is perfectly fine to BE YOU? You were purposely created to do and to be what only you were created to do and to be, no matter who agree, like or support you. There is a difference in admiring someone or something that someone does, but it is a totally different thing for you to become a copy of who someone is. Admire the principle of a thing or person, but

don’t attempt to become exactly it or them. We may have some similar attributes and characteristics, but at our core, every single person in the earth, is different and purposely so. When God created each of us, the mold was broken.

If you spend any length of time competing and comparing, you have wasted valuable time cultivating yourself, and elevating to the best place in your journey. Everything created in you, was uniquely done that you make be the uniqueness that was created. Today, I admonish you to Embrace, Love and Be YOU. Take the time to discover, spend time with and fully know yourself. Most of all, be honest with yourself. If you know you have spent most of your life duplicating others, today is your day to discover or rediscover yourself. Today is also the day to evaluate or re-evaluate, holding yourself accountable, to ensure progression and evolution.

You must know that whether in an authentic or duplicate state of functioning, you will have supporters. Why not have supporters because you are functioning at the level of authenticity and impact intended for your existence.

We cannot always depend on others to be honest with us, therefore at least be honest with yourself. If you know you are not functioning to the best of your ability, recalibrate and readjust. Make a conscious decision to be purposeful, as yourself. Be honest and ask yourself the hard questions.

1. Am I functioning in who I was created to be?

2. When I show up in the world, am I showing up as someone else?

3. Am I producing at a level that will land me on higher ground?

4. Will my footprint be upon the path that was created and chosen for me?

These are all questions to ask oneself as you journey forward, because fulfilling purpose is the ultimate goal. We must know who we are and fully function in the purpose in which God intended. Not just functioning, but functioning well. You have to tell yourself, so what if the next person does not like my choice. So, what if they don’t like what I do or how I do what I do. Tell yourself, just as I was destined to do this, there are supporters destined to support what I do. Be completely okay with sometimes walking the path alone, weeding through unpopular opinions. Afterall, if the purpose was given by God, why would we need man’s approval?

I am positive that the creativity within us, begins with the outsider’s inability to see. This is because it was not given to the outsider. Therefore, they will have to either trust the creator or wait to see proof of the creation. Either way, knowing what you are assigned to do and actually doing it, are paramount. Upon taking on this mindset, we will fully live in who we are created to be, with no concern of who others say we are.

The next time you are unsure of yourself or the next time you catch yourself competing and comparing, ask yourself the question, Who Do I Say I Am?

Make it a daily ritual to affirm and re-affirm yourself. Tell yourself, I Am Strong. I Am Powerful. I Am Brave. I Am A Leader. I Am Successful. I Am Loved. I Will Make Positive Impact, Daily. Find things that affirm you, encourage you and speak to who you actually are, and speak those things. Speak them until they speak to you. Daily remind yourself that you will be who you were created, and when you show up and are asked “Who Are You”? You can boldly say "I Know Who I Am".

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